Monarch Effect: If you quick deploy a Tier 0 Fire Lore fighter, pull one Fire Lore fighter from the main deck (1PT). This effect can be used 3 times per round.
Monarch Effect: All Warrior fighters you control gain 2 Atk.
Monarch Effect: If you quick deploy a Warrior fighter, it gains 4 Atk.
Monarch Effect: Fighters controlled by either player with more than 34 total Atk cannot declare attacks.
Monarch Effect: Once per round, you can pull one copy of “Confectionery Queen Aze” from your deck, rather than conducting your normal draw.
Monarch Effect: If you take battle damage that will bring your HP from over 10 to 0, you retain 1 HP and the battle phase ends. This effect can only be used 2 times per round.
Monarch Effect: If a Tier 1 or lower Wind fighter you control is destroyed in battle, return it to your hand instead. This effect can be used 3 times per round.
Monarch Effect: At the start of your opponent's combat phase, you can change the Atk/Def position of up to 2 different fighters you control.
Monarch Effect: Once per turn, Tier 3 or higher Dark fighters you control can each reload one Rally token using Tier 0 Dark fighters from the void, exile, or hand. A total of 4 tokens can be reloaded this way per round.
Monarch Effect: If your HP is below 10, you can draw two cards from the main deck during your draw phase instead of one. This does not affect your fodder deck draws.
Monarch Effect: If you deploy a fighter with "Lia" in the name, you can pull a copy of Cherry Bomb from your deck and unify it to that fighter. This effect can be used 3 times per round.
Monarch Effect: Fire Lore fighters you control gain 3 Atk.
Monarch Effect: All Fire fighters you control gain 5 Def.
Monarch Effect: Tier 1 Primal Lore fighters you control can attack twice per turn.
Monarch Effect: If a Tier 2 or higher Ice fighter is quick deployed without the full number of Rally tokens, reload it using Ice fighters from the Void/Exile (1PT).
Monarch Effect: You can expend an Ice Rally token from a Tier 3 Ice fighter and destroy one A/C card on the field (1PT). This effect can be used 3 times per round.
Monarch Effect: During either player’s turn, you can negate the destruction of an Idol fighter by battle or negate a card effect that is targeting an Idol fighter. This effect can be used once per round.
Monarch Effect: Once per round, you can pull a copy of “Kingpin Kori” from your deck instead of conducting your normal draw.
Monarch Effect: You take no HP damage from battles involving Tier 1 Ice fighters.
Monarch Effect: Expend a Water token from a Tier 3 or higher Water fighter and draw one card (1PT). You cannot quick deploy in the turn you use this effect. You can use this effect 3 times per round.
Monarch Effect: During either player's turn, if a card on your side of the field initiates a coin flip, you can invalidate the result and call for a single re-flip (1PT).
Monarch Effect: Instead of conducting your first draw, you can pull a copy of “Evacuation Saucer” from the deck.
Monarch Effect: Tier 2 Idol fighters that you deploy no longer require rally material.
Monarch Effect: If an Idol card is removed from the field by card effect, place a Rift token on this card. You can expend 3 Rift tokens to quick deploy a [Tier 0-1] Idol fighter from your hand. This effect can be used 3 times per round.
Monarch Effect: During your turn, you can shuffle one Idol fighter from your hand into your deck and pull one Idol fighter of the same Tier (1PT). This effect cannot be used two turns in a row.
Monarch Effect: Once per turn, you can discard one Mage fighter to look at one facedown card in your opponent's A/C zone.
Monarch Effect: Every time you pull a card from the deck or void, place a Rift token on this card. You can expend 3 of these Rift tokens and draw a card (1PT). This card can hold 3 Rift tokens at a maximum.
Monarch Effect: During either player's turn, If a Tier 2 Ice Lore fighter you control is destroyed in battle, pull one Ice fighter from your void (1PT).
Monarch Effect: You can rally deploy Tier 2 Warrior fighters using [Tier 0-2] warrior fighters in the hand as rally material.
Monarch Effect: If a Dark fighter is sent from your hand to the void, pull one Tier 3 or lower Dark fighter from your deck (1PT). This effect can be used 2 times per round.
Monarch Effect: Tier 3 Dark Lore fighters you control gain 5 Atk and Def. Tier 3 Dark Effect fighters you control gain 3 Atk and Def.
Monarch Effect: If a Tier 1 Fire Lore fighter you control is destroyed in battle, you can quick deploy Tier 1 Fire fighter from your hand (1PT).
Monarch Effect: Copies of "Rock Goddess Nyaru" that you control are no longer limited to using their effects once per turn.
Monarch Effect: During your Start Phase you can deal and then exile the top card of your main deck. This effect can be used three times per round.
Monarch Effect: If a Tier 2 Demon Lore fighter you control destroys an opponent's fighter in battle, your opponent takes HP damage equal to the destroyed fighter's Atk.
Monarch Effect: Water fighters you control can be equipped with cards that are compatible with [Ice or Warrior] fighters. Lore/Effect restrictions still apply.
Monarch Effect: When a Fire fighter you control destroys an opponent's Tier 0 fighter in battle, add the destroyed fighter to your hand instead of sending it to the void.
Monarch Effect: You can raise or lower a Water fighter's base attack to match the base attack of an opponent's [Tier 3 or lower] fighter until your next Start Phase (1PT). This effect can be used 3 times per Round.
Monarch Effect: Once per round, if you or your opponent take over 20 HP damage in a single turn, pull one God Tier Fire fighter from your deck or void.
Monarch Effect: Copies of Silent Tactician Mia that you control can use their effects to deploy fighters from the deck rather than the hand.
Monarch Effect: If a Dark fighter you control is destroyed by a card effect, you can exile it instead.
Monarch Effect: If your opponent normal deploys a Tier 1 or lower fighter faceup, place a rift token on this card. You can expend 3 tokens from this card and discard a Demon fighter to negate the deployment of a Tier 1 or lower fighter.
Monarch Effect: If an Ice fighter you control destroys a fighter of its same Tier or higher in battle, you can pull one Ice Lore fighter from your deck and unify it to a faceup Ice fighter you control. This effect can be used three times per round.
Monarch Effect: Expend all tokens from a fighter with "Yoro" in the name and target cards on the field up to that number. Those cards are shuffled into the owner’s deck. This effect can be used once per round.
Monarch Effect: All Mage Lore fighters you control inflict piercing damage.
Monarch Effect: If a Tier 2 Dark fighter is destroyed, you can quick deploy a Tier 0 Dark fighter from your deck in its place. This effect can be used 2 times per round.
Monarch Effect: If a Tier 1 Demon Lore fighter you control is destroyed in battle, you can pull one Tier 1 Demon fighter from your deck. This effect can be used 2 times per round.
Monarch Effect: If a [Tier 2-4] Dark fighter is destroyed by an opponent's attack or card effect, you can send one [Tier 0-1] Dark Lore fighter from your deck to the void.
Monarch Effect: Instead of conducting your first draw, you can pull a copy of “Pyramid of the Sun” from your deck.
Monarch Effect: If a Tier 3 or higher Ice fighter you control destroys a fighter in battle, you can destroy one fighter in the space behind or adjacent to the destroyed fighter.
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