Action: Discard one Water fighter or A/C/E card that specifies Water cards and target a Water fighter you control with this effect. For the rest of the turn, that fighter cannot be targeted by your opponent’s effects, it gains 10 Atk, and inflicts piercing damage.
Action: All Primal fighters you control can attack twice per turn, for the rest of the current turn.
Action: Quick deploy 1 Tier 0 Bug Lore fighter from your hand and unify this card to it. Unity Effect: While unified to a Tier 0 Bug fighter, its base Atk is doubled. As a Unity Token, this card can only be used as rally material for Bug fighters.
Action: Shuffle one equip card from your [hand or side of the field] into the main deck. Pull a weapon card from the main deck and equip it a compatible Warrior fighter you control.
Action: Expend 3 Rift tokens from Light fighters you control and exile a card on your opponent’s side of the field. If the fighter is successfully exiled this way, add one Rift token to a Light fighter you control.
Action (Repeat): All Rally tokens on Metal fighters you control and all faceup Tier 0 Lore fighters you control are treated as Metal element, rather than their listed element.
Action: If you control 3 or more Thunder fighters, activate one of the following effects (Hard 1PT). 1) Pull a Thunder fighter from the deck. 2) Destroy a Tier 3 or lower fighter. 3) One Tier 1 or lower Thunder fighter you control can attack your opponent directly until the end of the turn, regardless of row.
Action: Target a Tier 3 or lower Light fighter you control with one of the following effects for the rest of the turn. 1) Its base Atk and Def become 20. 2) It cannot be targeted by counter cards. 3) Its effects cannot be negated
Action: Pay 50 HP and draw 2 cards from the main deck.
Action: Quick deploy one Tier 0 Water fighter from your deck. You can't quick deploy anything else that turn (Hard 1PT).
Action: Discard one Water Lore fighter and pull one A/C/E card that specifies Water cards from the main deck (Hard 1PT).
Action: Revive one [Tier 1-2] Primal lore fighter.
Action (Repeat): If an opponent’s fighter is in the same column as a Tier 1 or higher Thunder fighter you control, the opponent’s fighter can’t expend tokens to activate fighter effects.
Action: Deal the top 3 cards of your deck. If any of them are Tier 0 Undead [Effect or Lore] fighters or Tier 1 Undead Lore fighters, quick deploy them to the field (Hard 1PT).
Action: Quick Deploy one [Tier 1-2] Metal fighter from the hand.
Action: Shuffle up to 3 Tier 0 [Ice or Water] fighters from your side of the field into your main deck and pull [Ice or Water] fighters from the main deck equal to that number.
Action: Tier 0 Bug fighters that you control can attack the opponent’s HP directly [regardless of row] for the rest of the turn.
Action (Repeat): Increase the Atk of all Thunder fighters you control by 4 x [the number of Thunder fighters you control] while this card remains faceup. At the start of your End Phase, destroy this card.
Action: Expend a Rally token from a [Tier 2-4] Reptile fighter you control and destroy all other fighters in the same column as that fighter.
Action: Rally deploy one God Tier Water fighter from your hand or deck using a Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Water fighter in your hand as Rally material (Hard 1PT).
Action: If you control 2 differently named fighters of the same element, tier and class, activate one of these effects (Hard 1PT): 1) Pull up to 2 compatible weapon cards from the main deck and equip them to [Either or Both] of the previously mentioned fighters. 2) Destroy one faceup Tier 3 or lower fighter.
Action: Target a [Tier 0-2] Earth fighter you control and add its base Def to its Atk until the end of the turn. This effect cannot self stack.
Action: You can activate this card during your Action Phase 2. Discard all cards in your hand and destroy all cards on the field except for a warrior fighter that you control.
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